Environment Friendly:
When we use word environmental friendly bags most of people thinks that it’s just recyclable bags but if we study in the light of research, we understand that it’s depends on complete life cycle of a bags then it’s become an environmental friendly bag.
Researchers and government measure environmental friendly on the bases of manufacturing materials, manufacturing process, use and dispose-off or recycle process then its declare as an environmental friendly product or bag if we talk about bags. Environmental friendly bags are divided into two types of bags first the bags made from natural material and its can be reused and the other type are those that made from those material that less harmful to environment, reusable and easily disposable naturally by time. In first type we include the bags made from wool and cotton both are natural fibers one comes from animal and other from plants. These are not harmful for environment and also reusable but we all know that the ratio of buying and using these fiber bags are not as much than any other plastic material or fiber bags because of it’s high cost, non-portability and less number of choices, it’s long life is also a key factor of its less usage, in general long life is a good feature but in term of Bags people become bored and wants to change and quick dispose-off. When we study the complete life cycle of non-woven bags we can says, yes non-woven bags are environmental friendly. The non-woven bags have less harmful impact on environment than any other plastic bags and because of these mention characteristics they attract the buyer and become the first choice.
1. Less manufacturing resources.
2. Low cost.
3. High reusability rate.
4. Easily dispose-off or recycle.
In term of environmental friendly bags, the most of the people in world buy and use non-woven bags rather than any other bags, the thing which people use most likely and buy, are highly impact on environment than any other usage items, so researchers say that non-woven bags are the best choice as an environmental friendly bags due to of the these factors like frequency of buying in all over the world, manufacture materials, reusability and easily disposable after a particular time attract the buyers towards Non-woven bags.